Thursday, March 10, 2011

Most Powerful Deskyop


A comment by José Manuel Alonso posted at 23.14 hours gave me the fatal news:

Today at age 96 and after a life filled with joys and sorrows, we are been the most vital person could have in this world and he has filled with many joys, PILAR of casinos until the last moment of his life he lived as she was, with joy and enduring vitality wagons and carts in life. From where is and with all my heart I can only say one thing, PILAR FOREVER.

Pilar Casino, our Muniellos Xana, the cheerful, jovial, suffering, life and all the positive adjectives you want to, he had no enemies because all we wanted and we felt loved by her, she is gone forever.

My deepest condolences to his family, who soon suffered the loss of several loved ones and all who knew her because for sure they are all saddened by his absence today. Rest in Peace



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