Friday, October 16, 2009

Rotronic Model 12.02.1086

El Rosario de Cristal

the 13th and El Rosario de Cristal, close the last act of religion in
Fiestas del Pilar is on the street since 1889 .
For a few years have been restoring the various floats and now we can see in all its splendor.
Also every year many more people go with wearing the best clothes for our clothing Aragon, with concentration throughout its length.
was always a spectator, but participate in it, as I have done this year is totally different and hopefully in coming years.
Note: The picture of the chariot of the Basilica is not mine, I've taken the blog Sea Lilies
The post del Rosario de Cristal is very complete and all details on the history of it.


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