Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Long Does Pinot Noir Last After Opening

Casino Park Serve "for something? The stud bull

On December 27, 2002 was published in the Official Gazette of the Principality number 298 of Law 12/2002, which stated the Parque Natural de las Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias . The Government of Asturias had a few years working on the declaration of that space, but the final decision was lengthened in time due to the reluctance of the vast majority of residents of the district, who were dissatisfied with living in a natural space especially to see their properties threatened, not in vain, over 90% of the territory was, and is, in private hands. Opponents Park even managed to retain Connio port for about three hours to Herminio Sastre, Minister for the Environment, to show their disagreement with the statement by considering a disguised expropriation

Muniellos Valley View

Natural Park covers a broad area south of the municipality of Cangas del Narcea, virtually all Degaña municipality and the council this Ibias, which also must be added the mountain and village Valdebois, which previously was part of Muniellos Reserve. Many unknowns left the declaration of the Park, doubts of today are in many cases without response. To cite some examples, that is not understood very well the criteria for certain people stay locked within the park boundaries, if Ventanueva or Luiña, and yet others, like Posada de Rengos and Buso, distant 300 meters of the above, were excluded. Nor does it seem logical that villages on the east slope of Muniellos, with a strong environmental and architectural value, as is the case Villardecendias, Alguerdo and omentum was outside of the statement and therefore the Park. Equally contradictory is to bring visitors to the reality of the area and promote tourism, three centers are built Interpretation, one in each council, but only that of Degaña occurs within the natural area, while that of Ibias (San Antolin) as the de Cangas (CORI) is constructed out of bounds, something most unusual natural areas in Spain.

Moncó Peña (1st term) and saw Rañadoiro

and eight years after the creation of the park, it seems necessary to ask whether the region has benefited somewhat during this time with the declaration of that space, and who better to answer that residents of the affected area who live and work in the same, as well as those who occasionally we come to it and see how our people can advance or retreat in certain respects.

Praonuevo Carril (Moal)

recently published a input on the recruitment of Mount Moal and among readers left comments, it might be enlightening that made Maxi, forester, forest manager of Moal and rural homeowner Muniellos .

Maxi said that while initially favored the Park, experience over the years led him to believe that absolutely no good at all, and so far has brought only more bureaucracy, higher costs and a feeling that everything you do or ask it to comply with the guidelines that make environmentalists. Also affirms that the Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of aid Rural Development (EAFRD) provides in Article 46 of the Natura 2000 payments, which should carry a compensation of between 40 and 200 Euros per hectare, it appears that the Principality has forgotten to deal with. Nor mountain farming seems to come out that well, because if my information is not false, subsidies received by a farmer in the NP Somiedo are double to that same farmer would receive in Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias.

Cartel timeworn

Tourism is the only card we have left if the livestock and forestry do not bear fruit, but .... Does tourism?. Maxi tells us that Muniellos Leitariegos one side and the other, are the two major attractions of the area, with the disadvantage that potential visitors to the ski station in the main by opting to stay at Laciana and only a small party chooses to do so in the river Naviego. He adds that currently, the vast majority of people who come to the region does NOT know of the existence of a natural park called de las Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias.

Route Abanceña-populated weed Agüera

It follows that is needed is a policy that serves to promote the Park and therefore sell abroad; but they also must protect what we already have: there is no point making a tour of 300 km inside the park if after these routes are impassable because the weed has invaded or are poorly marked or missing indicators, ie no use having an itinerary on paper then the hiker great if you can not put it into practice.

In short, the Park so far little has provided the financial support of the region and what is worse, in some cases is an obstacle to carrying out certain projects. Let us hope that the policies that should long ago have developed the Principality are in place and the current change direction.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tikka T3 Lite 308 Review

The vet is now the professional manager artificially inseminate cows, but if we go back a few decades ago, the situation in our people was totally different as to cover the cattle was used a bull stud. Typically, a house in the village had a bull for that task and when it stopped being useful, either by apathy, old age or other circumstances, the same house or other place sought to have a substitute.

The lack of a bull in town forced to take the cows to a close and quite often in my childhood, I had to go "Aerator" with a member of the family to Oballe, La, Posada or Larna to "throw the cow to the bull."

Mingo Family a stud bull

Photography which illustrates this post was taken on September 5, 1962 in Mingo house of Moal. It was the day of San Julian and among the guests at the party, one that it had had a fancy camera to portray the bull at that time was in the house and acting of stallion. Lulo, which appears in a beret, was on hand to catch the animal by the ramp and out of the "cut" to the meadow. There, once put in the correct position, stood at his side of the family so that the photographer capture the moment. Now, after half a century, this photograph is used to recreate a "function", unless rare exceptions and at least in Asturias, the bull lost many years ago.