Monday, September 27, 2010

Ikea Malm Bed Box Spring

Adios My first trip to school half a century

The month of January 2008 I published a post about teaching in Moal, which had a brief look at its evolution through the century XX, to conclude by saying that the school's future was very bleak due to the low birth rate and the small number of students who came to it, it was 07-08 during the course of only five children.

A provision of the Ministry of Education and Science, published in June 2009, impacted on the problems that arose in Cangas del Narcea, and restructured the council based educational network in the sharp decline that had taken the school population. To justify himself, gave the example of the Bar Association of Vega de Rengos which went from 150 students and fifteen units in the 80's to less than 50 students and four units currently. Similar case occurred with the school uniform of Moal, that about 50 students went to 6, which currently should be.

The Department arranged a series of measures to restructure schools and make better use of human resources, having to either create a Rural School Package, which under the name "Rengo", integrate Colegio Publico de Vega and school Rengos Moal, which had hitherto depended on the CRA Coto Narcea. Therefore, the CRA "Rengo" would consist of the Colegio de Vega and schools and Moal Gedrez. However, the school has taken this year Moal closing, closing almost certainly be final. What happened to reach this situation, when they should attend class 6 students: 4 of the same people and 2 of a family of Las Tablizas?.

The decision to close the school was an easy task for the Ministry for the choice made after some parents to send their children to school in Vega de Rengos the detriment of the Moal school. In this way everything happened and the chronicle of death foretold that "the closure of the school, came early. I'm off to assess whether the opinion that these parents took to send their children to Vega is wrong or right, it is a very personal decision and safer than before taking it thought it was the most suitable for shows created for their offspring. Besides, we all knew that the future that awaited him was short, but one is left with the feeling that the people have lost some of its insides. Each year that passes is more dwarfing. Some time ago we were running out of the bars, shop, after the priest left us, the people living in the parish church but was not in it, then missed the bustle of young people when entering or leaving school or while playing for the streets, followed by some doorways closed Moal ......... in short, that is dying slowly and over his death resembles that of old man who has completed the cycle of life and has no cure, like so many rural communities.

Going back to school say that gone are 50 years of history, which for me began with the teacher Dorothy, one to which preferred the bludgeon and the word applied the maxim that the rod and spoil, blood to which responded more than once with a massive flight of the class, being chased with a hazel - how much used! - to return to the fold. For our part we put not much, maybe just the opposite, and thus arose the saying "ugly face Dorotea school run by the wets." At that time also comes to my mind the egg that each student should necessarily lead to the teacher every Monday morning (surely you remember any more of this story). As expected it was his place to the people, the day of departure a flying echoed through the valley of Moal to celebrate.

A Dorotea followed many good teachers that left fond and great memories and friendships. But the most important school were the hundreds of students and their classroom sheltered people prepared for profit: now occupying some positions in the worlds of engineering, education or health, to name some examples, and other skilled workers in other public or private estates.
school within the district Cascarino
now only hope that the building housing the school, built by the people back into the hands of their neighbors and to remain meeting point for all meetings and activities carried out and will not occur as Oballe, where years ago the council was in charge of selling to the highest bidder.
* I had some photos that would be the last school students Moal, and the building, but the card from the camera has played me a trick.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oxford House College London Celta Course

Back to the daily routine after several days of vacation that allowed me to enjoy the festivities of Moal, it was time to make a small summary of what happened in San Julian, and, above all, hang some pictures to appreciate the holiday happenings.
Needless to say that this year's festivities were a success and neighbors attesting it in the days following with expressions like: good party going there this year! or many years there was a party like!. The success must be allocated to a party committee, composed of young people, that based on illusion, work, effort and economic disinterest got to involve all moaleses. It should be noted also that the end result was influenced by the placement of a tent in the square, the car can park for free on the lawn of Franks, generously given by family and good Pepe Mingo time with the San Julian gave us at this time, after the baptism of water it had in the 80's.
San Julian Mass celebrated in the chapel was the first festive event which was followed by a session vermouth in which there was no shortage of nuts and olives to accompany the drink.
the afternoon, children's games occupied the whole festival program: sack races, a handkerchief, throw rope, spoon race egg and the greasy pole to the delight of younger, bringing all participants corresponding prize. After dinner the place was full of people to enjoy the festival., Which was well attended, although many couples began to be collected on the 2.30, I guess because they had to work Saturday.

San Julianin
That is "eating" at San Julian in terms of popular acceptance is something we all know. Housewives are that day free from the bondage which involves caring for and entertained guests with a hearty meal and it shows in the country church that for decades was held in the plaza and this year was brightened with bagpipes. The appetizer took listening to the sounds of bagpipes and drums at the same time was a good time for people to exchange greetings with friends who had long without seeing and lively conversation.

The evening began with a football match, which did not contain the program of events and hotly followed with a tug of war between married and single, they opted for the latter by a narrow margin force.

then dared more daring with the launch of alpaca thirty kilos, beating winners with a circulation of 5 meters, but without managing to get to 7.

Special mention I tune edition of Asturias, which was unable to attend Tino Tiso, the death of a sister-here the condolences of all the people. Instead of Tino was present Anton de Chicote, who along with Pepe Tainos to the delight of the audience, not to mention our neighbor and versatile presenter also Fine, left more than a gaping to take a singing of their own invention. Also his little niece, daughter of Fernando, he got the applause and admiration of all present by portraying a song.

night, impressions and emotions were all respectable dance in a place that saw a great atmosphere until the wee hours of the morning, a delicious chocolate that put an end to parties .
Finally say that much profit for 2011 and to see a sample of pictures taken during the course of the celebrations have to click this link , then go to slide show and Press F11 on your keyboard to see the photos in size complete.